~~ 'Bird Coffee' ~~

Coffee For the Birds...
Rain forest Shade-grown Organic coffee 
offered by Audubon Society

Beneficial: workers -birds -trees -forest -planet -Audubon
--You get the beans -Birds get the benefit!

~Shipped:  anywhere USA

~Why buy:  
0 0 0 0 0 0-Planted -grown -harvested -stored without toxins
0 0 0 0 0 0-intense flavor  
0 0 0 0 0 0-Certified organic
0 0 0 0 0 0-vacuum-sealed
0 0 0 0 0 0-Purchasei -One-time
0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0-Coffee Club auto-delivery
0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0-Gift

Audubon Coffee http://www.auduboncoffeeclub.com/home.php 

Do Birds Matter 
--to planet -to humans??  Nature is --Stupid??  If one link 
in the chain --disappears?? 
What Do Birds Eat 
Without birds, natural predator, what happens to
plants -crops
-native vegetation (plants -shrubs -vines -trees) explosion 
0of insects -destruction of vegetation = dead forests, planet
-farmed crops: without birds to eat harmful insects 
0crops wither -fail = humans go hungry
Humming birds
65 to 95% have disappeared 
--how do scientists know??  
Citizen scientists:  have counted in their neighborhood = 
combined, scientists now know humming birds in serious decline 
--as are many other bird species.  Scientists: able to look 
0at the counts -locations =determine population -cause of loss

You Can Help 
0Lots of things we cannot do, but we can help scientists:  know  
0what's happening with birds --in your tiny bit of the planet -your
With that knowledge: scientists can 
-Call for action 
-Talk to farmers -Congress -agencies -habitat-related organizations
0--help birds survive -thrive.

What Can You Do--
Christmas Backyard Bird Count

Help Scientists 
Know:  What is happening with winged creatures  
 -What kind -How many -Where --You are
Heads Up
tell your family -friends -neighbors -animal lovers -bike buddies 
0-PTA -co-workers -scouts -teachers -gym-sport-game-lunch pals
0tall & small
0--come out for some fun --Count with you 
pencils -binoculars -charged cellphone -Audubon  
forms -blanket (hot chocolate??) 
for :15 -or up to four days --anywhere/everywhere/your home
for the Annual
Christmas Backyard Bird Count --Starts:  December 14, 2014

Can Silver Lakers beat Los Feliz --and Echo Park??  
--Can we count more birds than last year??
pals -Neighborhood Councils -Chamber of Commerce 
 over there if they wanna wager... 
--What to do with Our winnings:  combine The Count with
 Fund-raising --for bird-related... 
-Like: donation to Debs Park, Los Angeles Audubon
-Like: buy -plant trees to feed birds in winter 
-Like: make a video --Birds in Silver Lake, All Seasons... enter 
  it in Academy of Motion Pictures = win Oscar for Best Doc (lol)
-Like --Your idea??

Next time you see a "weed" 
--buy that 'easy-to-use' deadly toxic weed-killer??  
= Corporate maker will be happy --and: it can/will kill
    all --great and small --soil & sea
00--and Thee.  

--Don't ask: Where have all the birds gone --Why me 
with cancer diagnosis... be kind to planet -birds -you....

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