
ALERT LA City Council, Mayor: Pull Fast One

Last night while Los Angeles slept: Los City Council, in a stunning brazen act, formed a quorum and met with the Mayor in a secret unscheduled session to discuss the budget, this author has learned.

Various proposals were put on the table: to deal with the City's debt. Not happy with the trick they pulled with Proposition "S" --in the last election --to get voters to use their telephone --to tax themselves --to rake in millions --forever --without naming the specific account or purpose of the money --or admitting that there won't be an Audit of how the money is Spent, they decided: it won't be enough money.

What happened? Remember the Bridge event next week --this blog posted about last month? It seems: the page sparked an idea. With Mayor Villaraigosa's blessing, members of Los Angeles City Council rejected several ideas --then voted to:

dismantle the bridges over the Los Angeles River
--and sell the bricks

What will they do with the money? Give themselves: a raise.

HOW will people cross --to and from the City --how will trucks deliver goods to grocery stores --shops --businesses --gas stations? Apparently: they don't care about that part.

What now? In FIVE days: ALL the bridges in Los Angeles will be torn down.
Los Angeles will become: an island.

And if You believe it: You're going to have to go look at that thing hanging over the bathroom sink --and repeat:
"I Am A Fool ~ for not remembering the calendar...."
Happy April Fool's Day!

Silver Lake daVine!

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