0000000000 Saturday 21
am ~Farmer's Market - See Sidebar
--Pick up the veggies, fruit, etc. then head to market like Silver Lake TJ's -for beer/Prosecco, pizza dough, the good noshes-nibbles for the Oscar's & the week --navigation will be Impossible by sundown --Hollywood-surround streets closed and clogged all day/night tomorrow --don't even think about Sunday Hollywood Farmer's Market unless you have bicycle -cab fare -fast feet -gobs of time to kill
0000000000 Sunday 22
1:00 pm ~ Film Screening: Model
With exhibition - Vanity Fair Portraits: Photographs, 1913-2008
Liz Goldwyn intro, filmmaker Frederick Wiseman's behind-the-scenes look at fashion industry in 1980, B&W 129min. Free; tickets required -available at the box office one hour before - LA Art Museum
Unless you're buried in a book --or boycotting because ballot boinked your name, you know: Academy Awards Show - 3 pm Carpet Parade Show & Tell
5 pm Pre-show
6 pm Start: 81st Oscar's - ch #7 - KABC
--don't drink too much, tough enough to stay awake this year --Why does the Academy keep getting it wrong, helloooo: where is witty-smart-funny --Billy Crystal --Craig Ferguson --Steve Martin when we need him --or for Once something Non-usual: Funny Elaine Boosler (--seven hit specials on cable)...oh well, enjoy it, it's Free! --next year promises to be worse with the junk studios intend to market-target pandering to 14-year olds --what do they care about quality --epics -depth -inspired -sophisticated -intelligent movies the rest of us want to see: they're getting 428 MILLION bucks out of "stimulus" bill --to make movies "at home" --their lobbyist is better than ours....
\UPDATE: So what did you think? Comment below
Me: five previous Oscar- actors who spoke to/of each nominee for Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor --liked it, good idea, they should keep it; Tribute: those gone last year --couldn't read the name, credits -curtains -sound -other tech glitches just stupid, pretty amature; rest of the show: can't stand musicals; hanging a curtain of crystals didn't make it classy; boring show. What's the "need" --an aging male homosexual (wearing too much make-up) criticizing/snotty remarks on female actors clothing? --Why? Anyone who can fog a mirror has an opinion, so what. Sheesh, so tacky --passe, KABC, Loose it. Next year: some class --and a comedian.
If you're still awake:
~ Barabara Wawa
Will do her usual mind-numbing nosy "celebrity" thing, afterwards, same channel
Then ABC NO doubt, will waste valuable air time on: no-class "analysis" of clothing, shoveled up by some jerk airhead unseen all year wannabe desperate to make a name for "him"self, surrounded by the giggling bobble-heads, tarted up, who "think" it's appropriate to cram Oscar drivel--non-stop--into News...can't hardly wait ...am I the only one thinking about, missing Siskel & Ebert.... "...it's the movies that got small." -Norma Desmond
0000000000 Monday 23
7:30 pm ~ Reading
Frank Lloyd Wright and "The Women" --who found the cranky-genius one irresistible event
Request Mail-in Ballot
5 pm tomorrow: February 24 deadline - City Clerk must receive request for vote-by-mail application for the March 3 election - application on the back of last election pamphlet or from Elections website --mail -fax -deliver details
0000000000 Tuesday 24
7:30 am ~ Breakfast - Forum: "When Markets Collide: Investment Strategies in the Age of Global Economic Change" $20 reservation
6 pm ~ Speech
President Obama to joint session of Congress: His budget plans to pay massive inherited Republican corporate giveaway debt, two-war loan costs of past eight years plus Recovery debt
0000000000 Thursday 26
7:30 pm ~ The Lakers
Hosting Shaquille O'Neal and the Phoenix Suns
0000000000 Sunday 28
Race/Hunt LA
"Like a scavenger hunt but with a twist" --launch of a series of events that concentrate on the heart of the city, downtown first - Registration and Info
It's your money, quality of life
Want --a weenie City Attorney, looking only to get his ego stroked? --A professional hog running Auditor's office? --"Solar"energy "jobs"? --Sure? Do the homework, prep for: Los Angeles Election - March 3 --Don't care/can't be bothered? Good --don't vote --I'll choose -my vote will count more and you will have to live with my decisions.
--Don't whine when you find out --what it's going to cost you because ignorant "simple" majority fell for con job --voted the wrong way; just get boxes, start packing.
Good Books
- Saturday March 7th
The Lowdown on Downtown -The Secret History of LA
http://www.esotouric.com/secretdowntown - 3-7-09
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